iPhone App review: ACCUTERA

With a world being overtaken by technology it is sometimes hard to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. ACCUTERA is an iPhone app that allows users to optimize their outdoor exercise experience through technology. This app is recreation based and utilizes GPS to create a number of trail, terrain and ski maps that can be viewed clearly on the small iPhone screen.

The maps are capable of zooming in enough to view all of the current hiking, biking and skiing trails across the country. While the app is free to download there are products within the app that cost money. There are a variety of maps that are provided for free however additional maps can be purchased.

The maps are easily downloaded and provide accurate information. It has received rave reviews from those who are active hikers and are looking for new trails to explore. There was a recent update and the app now includes more coverage than it previously did.  Just keep in mind that this is not a game app, but more of an exercise app.  Although gamers might appreciate the level of detail of the maps.


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