All Entries in the "Productivity Apps" Category

NeuroNation Brain Games App
NeuroNation Brain Games App for Personalized Brain Training NeuroNation is a free app that furnishes a collection of brain training exercises aimed not just to test the limits of your mental abilities, but also to improve on those areas where you are least capable. This mobile device application presents brain games that pose as training […]

Amazon Mobile App
Whether you’re in the market for a book, Kindle books, music, camera, consoles or whatever, you can now browse through for the item easily with the Amazon Mobile. The Amazon Mobile app takes the features of the main website and makes them mobile with ease. From the Gold Deals to the easy option to scan, […]

Google Earth
From Japan to Africa, you can finally find the exact locations of wherever you want to go to and more with Google Earth, the app that lets you hold the Earth right in the palm of your hand. This app lets you explore the virtual globe with just a touch of the finger. You want […]

Calculator Pro for iPad
Whether you’re making calculations for the basic duties in life or you want to use the scientific functions without difficulty, you’ll find the free version of Calculator Pro for iPad very handy. Calculator Pro for iPad is a basic utility that anyone can use, whether it be the person who needs to know how much […]

Best App Iphone TrapCall
Receiving calls from unknown numbers who do not leave a message is a frustrating circumstance. The new app from the iPhone app store, Trap Call allows users to figure out who is calling. It will unblock private numbers and allow users to see who is really calling them. Another great feature of the app is […]

iPhone App review: ACCUTERA
With a world being overtaken by technology it is sometimes hard to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. ACCUTERA is an iPhone app that allows users to optimize their outdoor exercise experience through technology. This app is recreation based and utilizes GPS to create a number of trail, terrain and ski maps that can […]