About BestApp.org
BestApp.org talks about some of the best apps on the market, from iPhone to Android, iPad and PC Tablets, as well as internet apps that can be found on Facebook and more. Our ties to the app and app-mod communities and developers gives us a keen insight into the apps and the future of apps.
Best App
Thank you for discovering our site and we hope to always bring you the best information to keep you up to date on apps as they are released from alpha to full release. We bring you the best apps including productivity and gaming, including the new line of 3d shooters that will begin to emerge this year on the Android.
Gaming Apps
Gaming apps are going to take off this year as the PSP tries to struggle to maintain the pocket game market. Android will be a the forefront with releases like Rage for the Android and other shooters that are slated for release in summer 2011.
Shooter Apps
Taking games like Halo and giving their gamers access through their smartphones will change the face of gaming. Shooters have a long history and millions of fans so this particular genre will really excel. MMORPG’s will also start to take their fans to mobile as well as tablets. The next two years will have a lot in store for gamers that want to take their game mobile.